Science infuse

Meaning: The body's conscious or unconscious ability to detect its actions and movements in space. It is at work in the body's equilibrium. Goal: Project for the Science Infuse event (June 5 and 6, 2021), on Pauline Meriau's research topic, proprioception. This video highlights when the importance of proprioception helps to understand the mechanisms of a rare genetic disease like Friedreich's ataxia.

Science infuse

Meaning: The body's conscious or unconscious ability to detect its actions and movements in space. It is at work in the body's equilibrium. Goal: Project for the Science Infuse event (June 5 and 6, 2021), on Pauline Meriau's research topic, proprioception. This video highlights when the importance of proprioception helps to understand the mechanisms of a rare genetic disease like Friedreich's ataxia.

As part of Pauline Meriau's* project, I volunteered to help produce the scientific motion design video in After Effect. We talked at length about how to make the video, and how to popularize her research project and share it with a wide audience.​​​​​​​
*Pauline Meriau, PhD student in Neuroscience at the University of Paris, and in a CNRS Joint Research Unit (UMR8002 - INCC).
Software used
After Effet / Media Encoder
La cité des Sciences / Universcience
Freelancer - Motion Designer
Available on Youtube

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